Monthly Archives: May 2017

Colour, Fantasy and the Children’s Film Foundation: The Boy Who Turned Yellow (1972)

In Cinema and Colour, Paul Coates remarks that after an extensive IMDB search, he found only 311 film titles that referenced the colour yellow compared with 2,018 for red and 1,459 for blue.[i]  To this relatively short list we can add The Boy Who Turned Yellow, a film curio that was released in 1972.  The […]

What’s in a Name? Eastmancolor, Eastman Colour and colour brand identity

As our project progresses, we’ve started to unpick a couple of issues with the “Eastmancolor” part of our title and focus. First, in the initial decade of its growing use in the British film industry (approximately 1953-1963) there is no agreed usage of the word(s) as a trademark or specific process. Is it one word […]